The experience of having attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) varies from person to person. It is a complex Neurodegenerative disorder that can affect how we function in our daily lives and how we interact with other people. ADHD feels different for everyone, no matter what your age, race, or gender.

For people with ADHD, keeping things organized can be a constant struggle: I often have trouble finding the wrong things from the thoughts in my head or from my to-do list. Being able to do simple tasks seems impossible, especially if we lack desire and interest. These are some of the things I struggle with in my daily work.

Some may notice ADHD in people who are always on the go. They tend to move around and have a lot of energy that they have to spend all the time. Many adults with ADHD with hyperactive-impulsive symptoms always seem active and do everything of their own free will. Whatever they can think of, they will do. But not everyone tends to look like this.

ADHD can be a constant battle between mind and body that no one wants to be in. It’s the feeling of not being able to control your thoughts and actions no matter how much you want to. While thinking about other things going through our brains with ADHD, we lose our sense of concentration. That’s what it look like, it’s complicated and full of challenges. But if we are equipped with the right mindset and perspective, ADHD can still be managed and turned into something positive.

Common Symptoms Of ADHD

Details And Forgetfulness

If someone asks you, what activity did you do after dinner last night, or what part of the house do your mom likes the most? It will be difficult to remember them all at once and you will start guessing the correct answer when you forget the details. It can leave us there because we don’t have the chance to focus on these little things and store them in our memories.

Anything New And Interesting

Sometimes when they get tired of topics they don’t like to discuss quickly, they tend to search around and check if there are any interesting things (or animals) to see. They are not good at paying attention, so instead of forcing themselves to listen to what other people have said, they focus on other things that can make them feel better.


Do you wonder why some people with ADHD are overstimulated? Or how about motivating behavior? According to ADHD, the trigger is “repetitive body movements or movements without a purpose”. It’s about releasing energy that’s been pent up inside us and making us feel better in times of boredom or high anxiety. From some research I’ve read, it can be stimulating for people with autism spectrum disorder, but it can also be linked to ADHD.

Some Random Thoughts

It can be very frustrating when you are in the middle of a conversation, and you will have random thoughts about a project in your head. What if you forget your ideas and have trouble recalling them after a small talk? Because of this, sometimes many people with ADHD tend to blurt out what they think without a filter. This can disturb the flow of conversation and even upset other people.

What Are The Causes Of ADHD?

The exact cause of ADHD is unknown, but the condition has been shown to run in families.

Research has revealed several possible differences in the brains of people with ADHD compared to those without the condition. Other factors proposed to play a possible role in ADHD include:

  • Premature birth (before 37 weeks of gestation)
  • being underweight
  • smoking or drinking alcohol or drugs during pregnancy
  • ADHD can occur in people with all intellectual abilities, but it is more common in people with learning disabilities.

How ADHD Varies From Person To Person?

Children with ADHD

Caring for ADHD children can be difficult, but it is important to remember that you cannot help their behavior.

Some everyday activities may be more difficult for you and your baby, including:

  • get the baby to sleep at night
  • prepare for school on time
  • listen and follow instructions
  • organized
  • social events
  • Shopping

Adults with ADHD

Adults with ADHD may have problems with:

  • organization and time management
  • following instructions
  • focus and submission
  • fail to handle stressful situation
  • feeling restless or impatient
  • impulsivity and risky nature
  • Some adults may also have problems in dealing with relationships or social interactions.

Women with ADHD

Women are often undiagnosed or misdiagnosed due to differences in symptoms from men. Symptoms of ADHD in women tend to be carelessness rather than hyperactivity or impulsivity. If you’re a girl with ADHD, you may struggle to stay organized or focused at home or at work. You may have trouble keeping track of things, for example, feeling like you’re always late or not realizing how long it takes you to complete a task.

However, There Are Certain Ways To Control ADHD

Exercise And Healthy Eating

Exercise vigorously and regularly helps the body work through excess energy and aggression in a positive way by calming and relaxing the body. Eat a variety of healthy foods and limit sugary foods to prevent mood swings.

Get A Healthy Sleep

It’s harder to focus, manage stress, be productive, and stay accountable when you’re tired. Support yourself by turning off the screen at least an hour before bed and getting 7-9 hours of sleep each night.

Practice Better Time Management

Set a time limit for everything, even if it seems small. Use timers and alerts to stay on track.  Avoid paperwork or backlogs by processing each item as it comes in. Prioritize time-sensitive tasks and write down every important task, message, or idea.

Work On Your Relationships

Plan activities with your friends and stay connected. Be alert in conversations and online communication: listen when others are speaking and try not to speak too quickly in between (or text or email). Nurture relationships with people who empathize and know your struggles with ADHD.

Practice Wisdom

Although some people with ADHD find it difficult to even think, regular meditation can help you calm your busy mind and gain more control over your emotions. Try to meditate for a short time and increase your time as you are more comfortable with the practice.

Blame The ADHD, Not Yourself

Adults diagnosed with ADHD often blame themselves or feel negative about their problems. This can lead to low self-esteem, anxiety or depression. But having ADHD is not your fault, and if you can’t control your temper, you can take steps to recompense for your weaknesses and learn to prosper in all areas of life.

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